Exponential 2011

Exponential 2011 this year was created around the theme “On The Verge” from Alan Hirsch and Dave Ferguson’s new book, On The Verge. There were many great speakers from the conference! But the first session got me to start reading On The Verge because I love the theme they use throughout the book. It’s wrapped around the idea of Imagine, Shift, Innovate and Move. Some things that they shared was around these four ideas. It is definitely worth picking up a copy. Here are some thoughts they shared around the four ideas:

   Its within the leader to define reality within the church or ministry. Use the incredible attributes of your imagination to help people see themselves the way God has intended them to be. We need our imagination in order to dream up our missional innovations.
   This is the operational way to bring change about. If the paradigm doesn’t change, nothing changes. This is what follows the imagination because their needs to be a shift in what we do and how we think before we move.
   This is when you actually begin to make things new. Innovation is actually putting the dreams and ideas into action. Here is a great way to look at how we can do this:
Imagination x Implement = Innovation
We know that we can’t implement ALL of our ideas that we think up through our powerful imaginations. Usually we say, “I can’t implement all of these ideas, so I’m not going to implement anything.” The encouragement: take at least one idea and personally implement it. Focus on the one and pour your heart into that one idea or dream.
   Put the innovation into movement. Show your faith in that innovation by the things you do. But don’t feel like you have to do it for every single person in the ministry or for everyone in the church… do it for one. If you do it for one, it will reach many more than you think. Through this, you will reproduce “macro” and reproduce “micro”. Dave was asked what his favorite “true story” movie was that created incredible movement, he answered with “Invictus”. He claimed that he loved that one man changed the course of a country through many routes because of his leadership and faith. When returning the question, the other answered “The Blind Side”. He loved how an ordinary, single mom changed one person’s life. The crazy aspects to that is that it is two completely different story lines yet both with incredible change and movement. Dave then said that it’s not about either or; it’s about the both and. Be an advocate to change the hearts of millions, but be one that also wants to change the “one”.
Great book! Pick up a copy soon!

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